Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Mother's Day

Had a great time at the Marmalade Festival in Cumbria at the weekend - my they work hard! Over 800 entries to taste and evaluate, 1800 visitors to organise and make cups of tea for - thank you to everyone involved. I met up with Dan Lepard, who writes for The Guardian, and champions good honest food, so we like him - see his website . Some great items plus a useful forum. David Whitehouse was there helping the talented amateurs with problems over setting points, information on making pectin stock, whilst simultaneously helping to ensure the event ran smoothly - and listening to me! And they say men can't multi-task.

My preserving thoughts are turning towards Mother's Day which this year is 13th March. Yes, I know it almost a full month away but I am thinking home-made here which takes a little planning. How about a lovely dish of home-made lemon curd - there is nothing like the taste of this and in my opinion the only thing to eat it on is a teaspoon! The lemon curd is made very quickly and I will be bringing you the recipe for it a bit later. However, it might be fun to search the charity shops to find a pretty glass or bone china bowl to put the lemon curd in, rather than a jar. You can cover the top with film or cellophane if travelling and you still have a gift after the contents vare eaten. That's what takes the time. Finding the bowl. So get to it and check back soon for the recipe, which couldn't be easier.

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